Tuesday, January 4, 2011


*With the new program, add fruit as much as possible. If nothing is in season, buy frozen and then defrost in little snack bags. I’ve been adding blueberries and strawberries to my morning cereal. My leader is adding apple to her yogurt. The road is endless!

*Have you ever tried anything OTHER than chips with cheese dip? Next time slice up some zucchini and try that. Raw zucchini has very little taste and is a great alternative to the unavoidable cheese dip.

*Water, water, water. It’s just as important in January as it is in July.

*Do weight loss for yourself. Make sure you give yourself the personal time and devotion it takes to get the weight off and keep it off. The most important piece of advice I have ever received from a leader was “Give the 30 minutes it takes to go to a Weight Watchers meeting to yourself. It’s your time to get away from the kids, spouse, cleaning, work or whatever keeps your mind busy all the other time. Give it to yourself.” And that’s what I think about every week when deciding to go or not….this is MY time!!

*With the New Year and the endless resolutions revolving around weight loss and diets, give Weight Watchers a chance. It’s been around forever, many doctors suggest it and it’s just a great way of life. This January will be my 6th year with the program and I’ve lost 80 lbs and still go to meetings. No…it didn’t take me six years to lose my weight…but attending meetings on a regular basis is something that I believe in very strongly and enjoy. Weight Watchers is not a diet, it truly is a way of life.

*Really evaluate what you are eating on a day to day basis. Get back to the basics….remember the food pyramid we all learned about in elementary? Get those fruits, vegetables, milks and proteins!

*Here’s to all of us having another successful year in whatever your resolution may be. Cheers from the Everyday Cook

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