Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Salmon Foil Pack

Ok, this isn't really a "pack" like the turkey foil pack...but it's in foil and there's more than one ingredient. So here it goes!

Salmon fillet
Feta Cheese
Ranch Dressing
Cooked bacon- chopped up. About one piece per pack


Put fillet on foil. Drizzle ranch dressing on not drench! Sprinkle crumbled cheese on top and then the crumbled bacon. Fold in the sides like you see in the picture and grill for 10 min. I'm sorry I don't have measurements for the ranch and feta...just use your best judgement and enjoy! I served this with some steamed asparagus and farm fresh tomatoes. You have to remember salmon is a fatty fish so you really need to pair it with things that don't add to many more calories to your dinner. Albeit a good's still fat and to much of a good thing isn't always so good.

A little about salmon....
Wild salmon and farm raised salmon are two very different animals. It's much harder to find wild salmon but worth it when you do. The farm raised variety doesn't produce nearly as much Omega 3's as the wild variety does and the fat in farm raised is completely different from wild. Farm raised contains a much higher proportion of inflammatory omega 6s, a fat that we already consume far too much of.

The benefits and why we need to eat our Omega 3's.....there really is so much to say about this wonderful fat I am going to resort to bullet points for the quick and easy version.
  • omega 3's are being studied for their positive effects on depression, behavior, thinking and feeling.
  • They have a significant effect on the developing brain of a human fetus. Fish really is brain food!
  • They are an anti-inflammatory, help lower blood pressure, act as a blood thinner, prevent blood cells from sticking together (blood clots can be the cause of heart attacks and strokes), improve brain function, memory, skin health and kidney function.
  • Can improve cardiovascular health as well as immune function.
  • Also a good source of vitamin B, A, and D

Need I say more!! Eat more salmon....or at least give it a try if you're not a big fish eater.

1 comment:

  1. We 'wowed' my mom with this recipe Sunday night. We all loved it! Brent was ready to have it again Monday night. I love feta, and the bacon adds a little crunch. I think this will become a regular for us...tasty and easy!
